Category: Due Diligence

Due diligence involves initial and ongoing review of business relationships and operations that takes into account the level of bribery risk. When entering into new relationships, businesses should undertake thorough research and checks to understand the bribery risk posed by third party individuals and entities in the particular foreign market. Due diligence should be undertaken frequently as part of an ongoing dialogue with third parties. Discover resources designed to help small to medium enterprises meet due diligence requirements.

Create cost-effective due diligence procedures that help to minimise corruption risks and adhere to international anti-corruption standards. This guidance is targeted at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and recognises the unique challenges SMEs face. It gives a detailed overview of how and when to undertake due diligence, including practical advice. Sample due diligence tools and templates are provided.

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This webinar recording offers guidance to SMEs on how to address supply chain risks to increase transparency (and promote responsible business practice/bribery prevention), and gain better access to trade finance. Experts in trade finance and compliance share practical measures that businesses can implement to protect themselves from bribery, corruption, and other risks, and resources to support this process.

The Bribery Prevention Network held a side event at the Africa Down Under Conference on critical legislative, judicial and policy updates in the anti-bribery and corruption space that will have implications for Australian businesses operating at home and in Africa. 

The session highlighted practical tools and resources for Australian business to prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption and promote a culture of compliance.

This online and interactive tool helps mining companies evaluate and strengthen their anti-corruption controls and procedures, with a specific focus on project licensing, permitting and acquisitions. With indicators selected from close to 40 international best practice standards and frameworks, this tool helps companies reduce their corruption risk exposure.

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This resource is designed to assist stakeholders to ask the right questions and hold those responsible for commissioning, selecting and financing public infrastructure to account. The tool provides a practical, easily applicable roadmap to identify and mitigate red-flag corruption hotspots during the process of project selection.

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Conduct third party due diligence using this practical guidance developed to support business practitioners manage bribery and corruption risks. The guidance highlights a risk-based due diligence process with four key points. Additional considerations, lessons learned, good practice tips and sample due diligence tools are provided.

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