Resource Type: Web
Australia tales a whole-of-government approach to combatting foreign bribery. This page outlines the roles of Australian agencies tasked with responding to foreign bribery and the responsibilities of each agency.
National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) Corruption prevention priorities for 2024.
by National Anti-Corruption Commission
The NACC has identified 3 areas of focus for its corruption prevention and education work in 2024:
1. Conflicts of interest
2. Ethical decision-making
3. The electoral process
The National Anti-Corruption Commission enhances integrity in the Commonwealth public sector by deterring, detecting and preventing corrupt conduct involving Commonwealth public officials. It does this through education, monitoring, investigation, reporting and referral.
This resource is designed to assist stakeholders to ask the right questions and hold those responsible for commissioning, selecting and financing public infrastructure to account. The tool provides a practical, easily applicable roadmap to identify and mitigate red-flag corruption hotspots during the process of project selection.
This guide from the Australian Federal Police sets out the importance of self-reporting and the practical steps for companies to self-report possible criminal conduct. It covers when to report, what information to include in the report, and the AFP's investigation process.
Australian SMEs that take their business to the world need to be alive to bribery and corruption risks in the jurisdictions where they operate. The Australian Government can offer advice and assistance in situations where businesses encounter risks to their operations, employees and their reputations. Learn practical tips from Australian Government representatives on how to prevent, detect and address bribery in-country.
Practical guidance in the form of seven considerations is provided to support business to establish and implement internal whistleblowing programs as part of their efforts to tackle corruption. The document includes a summary of the international corruption landscape and a selected overview of national and international whistleblowing laws and conventions.