Embed anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures into your organisation and enhance awareness through training and communication. Access free online anti-bribery training modules, scenarios and case studies that support your business to develop the knowledge and skills needed to prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption.
Category: Training & Communications
Prevent and address bribery and corruption risks with this practical training tool designed to raise employee awareness and capacity on this topic. The RESIST tool uses 22 scenarios, including a description of the possible situation, preventative steps and actions to address instances of bribery. The tool also includes good practice recommendations that can apply to many situations.
Download and print foreign bribery resources including a brochure and poster outlining key information about the foreign bribery offence and how to report suspected foreign bribery to the AFP. These resources are designed to be printed and made available to employees and contractors who require easy to understand information about foreign bribery.
Australian SMEs that take their business to the world need to be alive to bribery and corruption risks in the jurisdictions where they operate. The Australian Government can offer advice and assistance in situations where businesses encounter risks to their operations, employees and their reputations. Learn practical tips from Australian Government representatives on how to prevent, detect and address bribery in-country.
This short, 15 minute learning module can be used by businesses to help develop employees’ awareness of the foreign bribery offence. The module provides information about Australia’s anti-bribery policy, relevant laws and how to report foreign bribery. It features video interviews with Australian Federal Police representatives, links to relevant agencies and a short quiz, and supports users with accessibility requirements.
Effectively communicate bribery prevention policies and procedures to internal and external stakeholders. Practical recommendations on what communications should cover are included in this resource. Understand where training on bribery prevention policy and procedures should be focussed to mitigate the risks of bribery and maximise awareness of business policy and procedures. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.
A practical sector specific fact sheet on business integrity that can be used for training. Demonstrates the value of effective systems and provides steps to detect, prevent and manage corruption risks and enhance transparency among company partners. Outlines the benefits to business and consequences for a mining company of being associated with corruption.