Category: Prevent

The Bribery Prevention Network held a side event at the Africa Down Under Conference on critical legislative, judicial and policy updates in the anti-bribery and corruption space that will have implications for Australian businesses operating at home and in Africa. 

The session highlighted practical tools and resources for Australian business to prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption and promote a culture of compliance.

The NACC has identified 3 areas of focus for its corruption prevention and education work in 2024:

1. Conflicts of interest
2. Ethical decision-making
3. The electoral process

The National Anti-Corruption Commission enhances integrity in the Commonwealth public sector by deterring, detecting and preventing corrupt conduct involving Commonwealth public officials. It does this through education, monitoring, investigation, reporting and referral.

This webinar highlights the important role internal auditors can provide as a critical line of defence against bribery and corruption. Topics include Key factors and environments that facilitate corruption and misconduct risks; Preventing corruption: risk assessments, policies & procedures; Detecting corruption: monitoring systems, controls and reporting mechanisms; and Addressing corruption: investigations and responses