Category: Policies & Procedures

Having a strong anti-bribery and corruption policy and communicating the policy to staff and stakeholders is a key part of an effective approach to preventing, detecting and addressing bribery and corruption. Procedures that embed anti-bribery and corruption measures in day-to-day activities help ensure that the policy is put into practice. Identify the types of policies and procedures your business needs to establish effective anti-bribery and corruption controls from resources in this collection. Access suggested content for an anti-bribery and corruption policy, guidance on establishing effective compliance procedures and learn when gifts, hospitality and promotional expenditure can constitute bribes. Find anti-bribery and corruption policies from the top 50 ASX listed companies to see how your policy compares.

This fourth edition of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations sets out recommended corporate governance practices that promote good governance outcomes and includes suggested content for an anti-bribery and corruption policy. Conformity with the recommendations will help address issues around culture, values and trust and support ASX listed entities and other businesses to engage in ethical and responsible business conduct that meet community standards and expectations.

This Guidance on Good Practice Procedures for Corporate Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Programs
is intended to provide an overview of the matters you will need to demonstrate to show you had adequate procedures to prevent foreign bribery under the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Act 2024 (Cth).

The Procurement Administration Counter Fraud Toolkit is designed to help Australian Government officials to identify and manage fraud and corruption risks in the procurement process. This toolkit was developed in consultation with procurement teams and fraud prevention experts from multiple Commonwealth entities.

An organisation’s effective Anti-Bribery and Corruption (Corporate Compliance Program will enable it to effectively prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption.

A proactive approach to the development of a proportionate and effective ABC Corporate Compliance Program that is clear, practical, accessible and well-implemented will help you reduce the risk of corruption and bribery affecting your organisation.

Learn more about corporate compliance programs in this short video by the BPN.

See how your organisation’s anti-bribery and corruption policy compares with the policies of the top ASX listed companies. If your organisation does not yet have an anti-bribery and corruption policy, identify key features that you might incorporate into a future policy. This collection contains links to policies from large organisations across a variety of industries – including the financial, materials, mining, healthcare, real estate, consumer staples, telecommunications, IT, industrials and energy industries.

Putting in place an anti-bribery policy is an important part of establishing and maintaining adequate procedures to prevent bribery and corruption. Use this template as a starting point when creating a tailored anti-bribery policy for your business. Adapt this template to your business's specific operating risks, including the activities and geographies that present the highest risk of bribery and corruption issues.