Category: Management & Culture

Top level commitment is foundational to creating a culture of integrity that rejects bribery and corruption. Learn how leaders in your business can demonstrate commitment to anti-bribery and corruption. Access resources that will support your business to set the “tone from the top” by developing a culture of compliance and day to day business conduct that meets anti-bribery laws and societal expectations.

This fourth edition of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations sets out recommended corporate governance practices that promote good governance outcomes and includes suggested content for an anti-bribery and corruption policy. Conformity with the recommendations will help address issues around culture, values and trust and support ASX listed entities and other businesses to engage in ethical and responsible business conduct that meet community standards and expectations.

This Guidance on Good Practice Procedures for Corporate Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Programs
is intended to provide an overview of the matters you will need to demonstrate to show you had adequate procedures to prevent foreign bribery under the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Act 2024 (Cth).

This document outlines supporting resources to accompany the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Act 2024, which introduced a new corporate offence for failing to prevent bribery of foreign public officials and requires businesses to have "adequate procedures" to prevent such conduct. It serves as a companion to the Attorney General's Adequate Procedure Guide, offering practical resources to help businesses implement these principles effectively.

The Procurement Administration Counter Fraud Toolkit is designed to help Australian Government officials to identify and manage fraud and corruption risks in the procurement process. This toolkit was developed in consultation with procurement teams and fraud prevention experts from multiple Commonwealth entities.

Bribery and corruption are not always easy to spot. So it is critical for senior leaders to ensure that your organisation does not provide a welcoming environment for these practices to take root.

An anti-bribery and corruption commitment from the top sends a powerful message that it has no place in your organisation.

Learn more about the role of the board and leadership in this short video by the BPN

An organisation’s effective Anti-Bribery and Corruption (Corporate Compliance Program will enable it to effectively prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption.

A proactive approach to the development of a proportionate and effective ABC Corporate Compliance Program that is clear, practical, accessible and well-implemented will help you reduce the risk of corruption and bribery affecting your organisation.

Learn more about corporate compliance programs in this short video by the BPN.