Category: Risk Assessments

Know the right questions to ask when assessing the bribery and corruption risks facing your business. Find resources to help you identify and profile high-risk countries and sectors, as well as those areas of your business operations that are most susceptible to risk. Access tools to help you recognise, assess and manage common bribery and corruption risks and find out how to develop a risk assessment procedure for your business.

The Procurement Administration Counter Fraud Toolkit is designed to help Australian Government officials to identify and manage fraud and corruption risks in the procurement process. This toolkit was developed in consultation with procurement teams and fraud prevention experts from multiple Commonwealth entities.

This Guidance on Good Practice Procedures for Corporate Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Programs
is intended to provide an overview of the matters you will need to demonstrate to show you had adequate procedures to prevent foreign bribery under the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Act 2024 (Cth).

This publication supports Australian businesses to strengthen anti-bribery risk and compliance management and align anti-bribery procedures with international best practice. Access practical guidance on building and implementing adequate procedures across six key areas: management dedication, risk assessment, due diligence, confidential reporting and investigation, communication and training, and monitoring and review. Learn how to implement adequate procedures across compliance areas.

This factsheet is designed to support small to medium sized enterprises to meet existing compliance obligations and establish a best practice anti-bribery system. Read about the key considerations and practical steps involved in implementing adequate procedures to prevent bribery.

This self-guided online tool provides junior mining companies operating in high-risk jurisdictions with practical strategies to help keep corruption out of new projects, with a particular focus on the licensing and permitting stages. Also available in a printable format, the guide features practical scenarios, sample policies and procedures, and other helpful resources. 

Use this Word document template to quickly summarise results of risk assessments undertaken through compliance programs. Specific questions are provided to assess the risk of bribery and corruption for each country the business operates in, and sectors that may be more prone to bribery. This information can be used to identify risks and define business priorities. Download this risk assessment template from the GAN Compliance Program Guide.