
Know the risks, develop a culture of integrity

Prevent bribery from happening in the first place by taking steps to recognise the risks and implement effective policies and procedures.  This collection of resources offers guidance on how to implement effective controls to prevent bribery and corruption in your business and supply chain. Access practical tools to identify red flags, conduct risk assessments and due diligence and build a culture of integrity.  

Resources for preventing bribery

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See how your organisation’s anti-bribery and corruption policy compares with the policies of the top ASX listed companies. If your organisation does not yet have an anti-bribery and corruption policy, identify key features that you might incorporate into a future policy. This collection contains links to policies from large organisations across a variety of industries – including the financial, materials, mining, healthcare, real estate, consumer staples, telecommunications, IT, industrials and energy industries.

This online and interactive tool helps mining companies evaluate and strengthen their anti-corruption controls and procedures, with a specific focus on project licensing, permitting and acquisitions. With indicators selected from close to 40 international best practice standards and frameworks, this tool helps companies reduce their corruption risk exposure.

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Launched in 2021, this interactive tools is designed for a diversity of small and medium sized enterprises. The tool supports businesses to implement corruption risk assessments throughout global supply chains. It offers a good first step for understanding what actions can be taken to improve business corruption risk assessments and provides a list of information sources to do so.

Putting in place an anti-bribery policy is an important part of establishing and maintaining adequate procedures to prevent bribery and corruption. Use this template as a starting point when creating a tailored anti-bribery policy for your business. Adapt this template to your business's specific operating risks, including the activities and geographies that present the highest risk of bribery and corruption issues.

This resource is designed to assist stakeholders to ask the right questions and hold those responsible for commissioning, selecting and financing public infrastructure to account. The tool provides a practical, easily applicable roadmap to identify and mitigate red-flag corruption hotspots during the process of project selection.

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This self-guided online tool provides junior mining companies operating in high-risk jurisdictions with practical strategies to help keep corruption out of new projects, with a particular focus on the licensing and permitting stages. Also available in a printable format, the guide features practical scenarios, sample policies and procedures, and other helpful resources. 

Use this Word document template to quickly summarise results of risk assessments undertaken through compliance programs. Specific questions are provided to assess the risk of bribery and corruption for each country the business operates in, and sectors that may be more prone to bribery. This information can be used to identify risks and define business priorities. Download this risk assessment template from the GAN Compliance Program Guide.

This short, 15 minute learning module can be used by businesses to help develop employees’ awareness of the foreign bribery offence. The module provides information about Australia’s anti-bribery policy, relevant laws and how to report foreign bribery. It features video interviews with Australian Federal Police representatives, links to relevant agencies and a short quiz, and supports users with accessibility requirements.

Identify red flags for bribery when dealing with business associates using the list of questions provided as part of Austrade’s anti-bribery materials. This resource will also support you to understand who is considered a business associate and how to manage any red flags and warning signs that are uncovered as part of your due diligence process. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.

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This factsheet is designed to support small to medium sized enterprises to meet existing compliance obligations and establish a best practice anti-bribery system. Read about the key considerations and practical steps involved in implementing adequate procedures to prevent bribery.

Articulate company commitments and expectations by setting an anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) statement of intention. This resource suggests language and key points to include in an ABC statement of intention to support companies to communicate to internal and external stakeholders. This resource is provided as part of the Australian Government’s broader anti-bribery materials. This resource is part of Austrade’s “Guide to exporting”.

This resource offers a road map for better corporate practice on anti-corruption disclosures. It demonstrates the business case for advancing corporate governance and transparency. Direction is provided for disclosure across five high risk areas. It responds to some of the legal challenges that might inhibit a business from disclosing information.

The success of corruption prevention strategies require the commitment and demonstration from senior executives and leaders. This resource outlines the 'tone from the top', deriving from leaders' demeanor and attitude, that is necessary to uphold compliance and anti-corruption.

This publication supports Australian businesses to strengthen anti-bribery risk and compliance management and align anti-bribery procedures with international best practice. Access practical guidance on building and implementing adequate procedures across six key areas: management dedication, risk assessment, due diligence, confidential reporting and investigation, communication and training, and monitoring and review. Learn how to implement adequate procedures across compliance areas.

This suite of tools and guidance covers topics including facilitation payments, bribery red flags, and training materials to help identify and manage bribery risks. It includes a flow chart of practical steps businesses can take before entering any formal relationship with business partners or associates and what due diligence can be conducted. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.