Category: Policies & Procedures

Having a strong anti-bribery and corruption policy and communicating the policy to staff and stakeholders is a key part of an effective approach to preventing, detecting and addressing bribery and corruption. Procedures that embed anti-bribery and corruption measures in day-to-day activities help ensure that the policy is put into practice. Identify the types of policies and procedures your business needs to establish effective anti-bribery and corruption controls from resources in this collection. Access suggested content for an anti-bribery and corruption policy, guidance on establishing effective compliance procedures and learn when gifts, hospitality and promotional expenditure can constitute bribes. Find anti-bribery and corruption policies from the top 50 ASX listed companies to see how your policy compares.

Understand what constitutes a facilitation payment with this guide. This resource provides a list of examples, explains associated risks, and sets out the Australian law and Austrade policy in relation to facilitation payments. It also includes a brief hypothetical scenario and offers guidance on how to resist making facilitation payments. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.

Designed to promote a culture of ethical business practice in the financial services industry, this guide offers top line advice on how to develop, implement and maintain an effective anti-bribery and corruption compliance program. To be read in conjunction with authoritative guidance issued in jurisdictions where the financial institution is conducting business.