Resource Author: Austrade
Articulate company commitments and expectations by setting an anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) statement of intention. This resource suggests language and key points to include in an ABC statement of intention to support companies to communicate to internal and external stakeholders. This resource is provided as part of the Australian Government’s broader anti-bribery materials. This resource is part of Austrade’s “Guide to exporting”.
Remuneration and promotion structures are one of the most powerful ways that companies communicate their values and priorities to staff. Section nine of the Austrade publication "Anti-bribery and Corruption (ABC): A guide for Australians doing business overseas" gives a simple overview of how compliance, risk management and ethical behavior can be reinforced through incentive structures (and how the wrong behaviors can also be reinforced). This resource is part of Austrade’s “Guide to exporting”.
Effectively communicate bribery prevention policies and procedures to internal and external stakeholders. Practical recommendations on what communications should cover are included in this resource. Understand where training on bribery prevention policy and procedures should be focussed to mitigate the risks of bribery and maximise awareness of business policy and procedures. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.
Identify red flags for bribery when dealing with business associates using the list of questions provided as part of Austrade’s anti-bribery materials. This resource will also support you to understand who is considered a business associate and how to manage any red flags and warning signs that are uncovered as part of your due diligence process. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.
Australian businesses operating overseas need to be aware of their obligations under Australian and foreign laws with respect to dealing with foreign public officials. Austrade has published an anti-bribery and corruption guide for Australian businesses operating overseas and information sheets that provide businesses with practical tips and risk assessment tools.