Resource Type: Web
This publication supports Australian businesses to strengthen anti-bribery risk and compliance management and align anti-bribery procedures with international best practice. Access practical guidance on building and implementing adequate procedures across six key areas: management dedication, risk assessment, due diligence, confidential reporting and investigation, communication and training, and monitoring and review. Learn how to implement adequate procedures across compliance areas.
This factsheet is designed to support small to medium sized enterprises to meet existing compliance obligations and establish a best practice anti-bribery system. Read about the key considerations and practical steps involved in implementing adequate procedures to prevent bribery.
Businesses that engage in commercial activity with overseas entities involved in serious corruption or other situations of international concern should be aware of obligations arising under Australia’s sanctions laws. Sanctions impose restrictions on activities that relate to particular countries, goods, services, or entities. The Australian Sanctions Office provides information about compliance with Australia’s sanctions laws and how to apply for sanctions permits.
This self-guided online tool provides junior mining companies operating in high-risk jurisdictions with practical strategies to help keep corruption out of new projects, with a particular focus on the licensing and permitting stages. Also available in a printable format, the guide features practical scenarios, sample policies and procedures, and other helpful resources.
Self-evaluation tool for corruption risk assessment
by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Launched in 2021, this interactive tools is designed for a diversity of small and medium sized enterprises. The tool supports businesses to implement corruption risk assessments throughout global supply chains. It offers a good first step for understanding what actions can be taken to improve business corruption risk assessments and provides a list of information sources to do so.
Responsible business conduct and anti-corruption compliance in Southeast Asia
by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Informed by a survey of 229 company representatives from across 10 ASEAN countries, this report offers findings to support businesses to develop and implement anti-corruption risk management policies and practices that contribute to greater resilience and sustainable development. The report presents survey findings using accessible graphics that demonstrate the key risks facing businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.