Resources by typeModule

A 30-minute training module that provides good practice anti-bribery training for companies facing requests for bribes. A useful benchmark to assess training programs against. Offers headline points on the potential damage of bribes and some prevention steps. The tool includes a trainer’s handbook with PowerPoint slides.   

An anti-bribery checklist that helps assess where you stand on countering bribery. Provides practical guidance for companies to assess their commitments, implementation, and monitoring policies and practice, as well as their public reporting. Useful for both small and larger businesses. Both staff and senior management teams would benefit from using the checklist. 

A tool that can be used by the mining sector to identify and assess the underlying causes of corruption in mining sector approval processes. This third edition includes guidance on how to conduct a gender-sensitive corruption risk assessment. Specifically, the updated MACRA Tool helps identify the gendered impacts of corruption on women as well as the barriers that hinder women’s participation in decision-making and accountability efforts, particularly at a community level. 

Create a compliance program that seeks to prevent and address bribery and corruption with this guide. It includes country risk reports that outline risks associated when engaging with state-owned enterprises. Also included are key actions to take when building a compliance program, a six-step process for conducting third party due diligence, sample policies, training procedures, risk assessment templates and due diligence tools.

Prevent and address bribery and corruption risks with this practical training tool designed to raise employee awareness and capacity on this topic. The RESIST tool uses 22 scenarios, including a description of the possible situation, preventative steps and actions to address instances of bribery. The tool also includes good practice recommendations that can apply to many situations.

This resource provides interactive guidance on anti-bribery and corruption good practice for companies operating in the United Kingdom and overseas. It includes practical guidance on conducting risk assessment and third party due diligence, implementing ABC training and identifying high risk areas. It also provides country-by-country summaries of anti-bribery laws to assist companies operating abroad.