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Prepared by the Business Council of Australia and Asia Society Australia Asia Taskforce, this discussion paper includes guidance specifically for Australian companies looking to operate in Asia. It incorporates a risk management framework and case studies, and explains strategies for managing bribery and corruption incidents. 

Ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. Helps companies to understand and compare the corruption risks of operating in different countries. Useful for undertaking third party risk analysis and due diligence. Learn about regional trends, and the areas that have the greatest bribery and corruption risks.

The Australian National Contact Point (AusNCP) is responsible for promoting the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and to contribute to the resolution of issues relating to their implementation when cases against a company are raised. The complaint mechanism helps parties resolve conflicts. The website provides useful information on how to submit a complaint, track a case and view a closed complaint.

This online and interactive tool helps mining companies evaluate and strengthen their anti-corruption controls and procedures, with a specific focus on project licensing, permitting and acquisitions. With indicators selected from close to 40 international best practice standards and frameworks, this tool helps companies reduce their corruption risk exposure.

Filed under Due Diligence Prevent

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This toolkit offers a step by step guide on how to design and implement a grievance mechanism. It explains the purpose of having a grievance mechanism, including why this is a good business investment, issues to consider when establishing a grievance mechanism, how to build and operate an effective mechanism, and how to use feedback to improve a mechanism. This resource includes links to other useful tools.

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This practical guide offers support to businesses in the resource development industry to design and implement site-level grievance mechanisms. It includes solutions to common challenges, including, building community awareness of and trust in site-level grievance mechanisms, creating organisational buy-in to make these mechanisms effective, and growing an internal culture to support the resolution of grievances.

Filed under Remediation Address

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