International Resources

Find out how international co-operation on bribery and corruption is supporting countries and business to address the problem of bribery.

Locate international resources – including conventions, standards, principles and good practice guidance – that promote a culture of integrity and responsible business. This resource collection includes key guidance from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations and Transparency International on the prevention of foreign bribery.

Resources from International Organisations

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These voluntary rules from the International Chamber of Commerce offer business a method of self-regulation to comply with anti-corruption initiatives at the international level. The rules promote high standards of integrity in business transactions and provide an appropriate basis for resisting attempts at extortion or solicitation of bribes. Available in English, French, Spanish and Turkish.

This video highlights research undertaken by Transparency International with 47, 000 citizens from 35 African countries who shared their lived experience of paying a bribe for basic services. It found that paying bribes is far too common, is getting worse and that the poorest in society are twice as likely to have to pay a bribe.

This collection of resources makes clear the link between corruption and sustainable development. Corruption undermines human development and increases inequality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make an explicit link between corruption and peaceful, just and inclusive societies. They recognise that unless corruption is tackled, achieving any of the SDGs will be hindered.

Ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. Helps companies to understand and compare the corruption risks of operating in different countries. Useful for undertaking third party risk analysis and due diligence. Learn about regional trends, and the areas that have the greatest bribery and corruption risks.

Prepared by the Business Council of Australia and Asia Society Australia Asia Taskforce, this discussion paper includes guidance specifically for Australian companies looking to operate in Asia. It incorporates a risk management framework and case studies, and explains strategies for managing bribery and corruption incidents. 

This resource provides interactive guidance on anti-bribery and corruption good practice for companies operating in the United Kingdom and overseas. It includes practical guidance on conducting risk assessment and third party due diligence, implementing ABC training and identifying high risk areas. It also provides country-by-country summaries of anti-bribery laws to assist companies operating abroad.

A practical corruption glossary that provides definitions with animated images. Useful as a training tool to help staff develop their understanding of corruption terminology, including terms such as 'facilitation payments'. Each term includes a paragraph defining the phrase, as well as a description of why it matters.

Access practical guidance to create an effective anti-corruption ethics and compliance program for your business. This comprehensive guide explains the international legal framework for combatting corruption. It sets out the principles and processes for undertaking risk assessments and developing and implementing an anti-corruption ethics and compliance program. It specifically identifies challenges and opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises.

Designed to promote a culture of ethical business practice in the financial services industry, this guide offers top line advice on how to develop, implement and maintain an effective anti-bribery and corruption compliance program. To be read in conjunction with authoritative guidance issued in jurisdictions where the financial institution is conducting business.

The Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) is a leading business voice on anti-corruption and transparency. This CEO-led platform is founded on the principles of public-private cooperation, responsible leadership and technological advancement. This website offers background information on how business leaders can take part in PACI, which currently has around 90 signatories from different sectors.