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How does preventing bribery and corruption contribute to sustainable development?

Engaging in the fight against bribery and corruption not only promotes honest competition and makes good business sense, it also helps ensure local communities benefit from your business activity.

Corruption can divert funds away from education, health care and other vital public services. It can also exacerbate violence and insecurity and undermine trust in public institutions. This collection of resources can inform your business about why acting on bribery and corruption matters.

Relevant resources

This collection of resources makes clear the link between corruption and sustainable development. Corruption undermines human development and increases inequality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make an explicit link between corruption and peaceful, just and inclusive societies. They recognise that unless corruption is tackled, achieving any of the SDGs will be hindered.

Foreign bribery results in an inefficient allocation of resources and economic distortions. It is also a threat to democracy, corrosive of good governance and an impediment to economic development. This fact sheet provides information about the consequences for individuals and companies who bribe or attempt to bribe and the broader, far-reaching effects of foreign bribery on democratic institutions and governmental stability.

This article identifies key global impacts of corruption, including its effect on healthcare outcomes, education and on women, children and the world's poor. It explains how aligning anti-corruption strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, can support business to promote the five pillars of sustainable development: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships. 

This video highlights research undertaken by Transparency International with 47, 000 citizens from 35 African countries who shared their lived experience of paying a bribe for basic services. It found that paying bribes is far too common, is getting worse and that the poorest in society are twice as likely to have to pay a bribe.

A 30-minute training module that provides good practice anti-bribery training for companies facing requests for bribes. A useful benchmark to assess training programs against. Offers headline points on the potential damage of bribes and some prevention steps. The tool includes a trainer’s handbook with PowerPoint slides.