
Know the risks, develop a culture of integrity

Prevent bribery from happening in the first place by taking steps to recognise the risks and implement effective policies and procedures.  This collection of resources offers guidance on how to implement effective controls to prevent bribery and corruption in your business and supply chain. Access practical tools to identify red flags, conduct risk assessments and due diligence and build a culture of integrity.  

Resources for preventing bribery

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Conduct third party due diligence using this practical guidance developed to support business practitioners manage bribery and corruption risks. The guidance highlights a risk-based due diligence process with four key points. Additional considerations, lessons learned, good practice tips and sample due diligence tools are provided.

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Protect your organisation by putting in place clear policies and procedures that prohibit the offer, giving or receipt of gifts, hospitality or expenses where they could influence, or be reasonably perceived to influence, improper outcomes of business transactions. This resource also offers guidance on policy considerations and procedures such as record keeping. It forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.

Prepared by the Business Council of Australia and Asia Society Australia Asia Taskforce, this discussion paper includes guidance specifically for Australian companies looking to operate in Asia. It incorporates a risk management framework and case studies, and explains strategies for managing bribery and corruption incidents. 

Create a compliance program that seeks to prevent and address bribery and corruption with this guide. It includes country risk reports that outline risks associated when engaging with state-owned enterprises. Also included are key actions to take when building a compliance program, a six-step process for conducting third party due diligence, sample policies, training procedures, risk assessment templates and due diligence tools.

The Corruption Perception Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. This video provides information on regional corruption trends and demonstrates the impacts of transnational corruption on Australian businesses. It is useful for understanding the importance of third-party risk analysis and due diligence.

Ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. Helps companies to understand and compare the corruption risks of operating in different countries. Useful for undertaking third party risk analysis and due diligence. Learn about regional trends, and the areas that have the greatest bribery and corruption risks.

Foreign bribery results in an inefficient allocation of resources and economic distortions. It is also a threat to democracy, corrosive of good governance and an impediment to economic development. This fact sheet provides information about the consequences for individuals and companies who bribe or attempt to bribe and the broader, far-reaching effects of foreign bribery on democratic institutions and governmental stability.

This article identifies key global impacts of corruption, including its effect on healthcare outcomes, education and on women, children and the world's poor. It explains how aligning anti-corruption strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, can support business to promote the five pillars of sustainable development: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships. 

Businesses that engage in commercial activity with overseas entities involved in serious corruption or other situations of international concern should be aware of obligations arising under Australia’s sanctions laws. Sanctions impose restrictions on activities that relate to particular countries, goods, services, or entities. The Australian Sanctions Office provides information about compliance with Australia’s sanctions laws and how to apply for sanctions permits.

To carry out effective risk assessments, Australian businesses operating overseas should be aware of the bribery and corruption risks in the country in which they operate. Designed for Australian exporters, this resource provides risk profiles for 50 countries, including the corruption rating, sectors where corruption may occur, and applicable laws and regulatory bodies. This resource is provided as part of Austrade's suite of anti-bribery materials.

Part of Austrade’s “Guide to exporting”, this comprehensive resource offers headline points that all Australian businesses must be aware of when seeking to prevent corruption in their overseas operations. It links to a detailed guide with 12-steps to an effective anti-bribery and corruption program, and provides country-specific information.

Support the delivery of an effective compliance program by ensuring business leaders and senior managers demonstrate commitment to compliance programs. This resource discusses the importance of setting the tone from the top and identifies practical steps to demonstrate top level commitment and build a culture of compliance. This webpage is available in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

A practical sector specific fact sheet on business integrity that can be used for training. Demonstrates the value of effective systems and provides steps to detect, prevent and manage corruption risks and enhance transparency among company partners. Outlines the benefits to business and consequences for a mining company of being associated with corruption.

This resource provides interactive guidance on anti-bribery and corruption good practice for companies operating in the United Kingdom and overseas. It includes practical guidance on conducting risk assessment and third party due diligence, implementing ABC training and identifying high risk areas. It also provides country-by-country summaries of anti-bribery laws to assist companies operating abroad.

Understand what constitutes a facilitation payment with this guide. This resource provides a list of examples, explains associated risks, and sets out the Australian law and Austrade policy in relation to facilitation payments. It also includes a brief hypothetical scenario and offers guidance on how to resist making facilitation payments. This resource forms part of Austrade’s suite of anti-bribery materials.